Sophisticated rolling bearing technology for the wind power industry

The task

Develop rolling bearings with monitoring sensor technology for wind turbines

Our solution

Condition monitoring, the monitoring of the condition of machines, is common practice in many fields. This is also the case in the wind power industry. We developed special rolling bearings for a manufacturer of wind turbines, that were to ensure the safety and efficiency of the wind turbines using monitoring sensors.

We equipped our rolling bearings with a variety of sensor elements. These made it possible to continuously monitor various factors such as temperature, speed, vibration amplitudes and shaft displacement. The data collected was used to make long-term trend forecasts. Also, in the event of an overload, the entire system could be shut down immediately or put into an emergency run phase.

Products in use



Whether in person on site, by telephone or online – our specialized staff will provide you with competent support right from the start.

Conception and development

We calculate all parameters for a feasibility check according to your specifications. The following steps are designed to put the theoretical values into practice.


Quality that meets the highest standards: we manufacture certified products for the aerospace, automotive and medical industries.


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Do you have any questions? We have answers.

Panchalingam Piraveen

Sales Manager

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